Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cracking the Stem Cell Code

Did you know that there is a natural botanical extract that helps support your body’s ability to heal itself? 

How does it do that?  It is a scientific breakthrough showing the botanical to be a stem cell enhancer by supporting the natural release and migration of stem cells within your own body.

These are not the stemcells so often quoted in politically charged debates.  The stemcells referred to here are the ones that exist in your own bone marrow at this very moment - requiring no medical procedure. 

The world has recently learned of a supplement called Stem Enhance that helps your body release more adult stem cells.  The scientist responsible for and credited with the discovery is Christian Drapeu.  He recounts the discovery in his book Cracking the Stem Cell Code available from Amazon.

This is indeed good news for anyone interested in vibrant and optimal health.  To read more about this exciting discovery go here.

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